As is possible to increase passableness of the car and safety of driving, avoid car drifts on ice, to drive on snow-covered roads? In the decision of all these problems, motorists will be helped by tire chains, because for installation on wheels is not required special physical strength or special knowledge.
Chains for wheels can be grouped in 4 basic directions:
1. Chains for cars.
2. Chains for lorries.
3. Chains for the winter technics.
4. Chains for agricultural machinery.

Depending on: a season, road conditions, marks of the car and your targets, differ kinds and practical application of snow chains.
For today, are issued:
* Rubber chains (plastic grids);Remember! Rubber or steel chains provide safety on ice-covered road. Car chains are irreplaceable at movement on the iced over steep slopes which are difficult for overcoming even to off-road cars.
* Metal chains of various weaving;
* High-strength titan chains;
* Economic chains of short-term using (which dress on the got stuck wheels).