I love Japan because it is the most postmodernist country in the world. In Japan you will not disassemble, where culture, and where the industry. There it has merged in one big Japanese Miracle which symbol could become a hara-kiri, made by means of the laser. Perhaps I the chauvinist, but all Japanese seem me abnormal — even Yukio Misima. Japanese for me all the same that humanoids. Though it seems to me, that soon all of us become for each other humanoids.
Japanese unsurpassed masters of a metaphor and in general any images. It, likely, language influence. Sony is too a metaphor. Sony is a metaphor of a life after TV occurrence. The only thing, that is necessary now for us, is new TV Sony, more flat, with more volume image and, of course, it is more. I always dreamt to live in apartment where there would be one bed, it is a lot of books and more than anything. I have missed the chance if it was, to live so.